
时间:2024-05-08 作者:工作计划之家


“fish and vesitors smell in three days.”名人格言是我们塑造人生价值观的有力工具,名言警句可以帮助我们更好地处理生活中的关系,好的名人格言都有哪些呢?本站专注于为你提供关于“英语时间名言”的合适信息,我们衷心期望这些句子能为您提供帮助!


1、fish and vesitors smell in three days.

2、It is often said that time changes things, but you actually have to change them on your own.

3、don't think I know enough about my own country. It would be more beneficial to spend my time in China.

4、Do you love life? Then do not squander time; for that’s the stuff life is made up of. ---Benjamin Franklin, American president。你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的'。---美国总统富兰克林. B.

5、There is no time like the present. (现在正是时候)

6、       age is a matter of feeling,not of years.

7、Time of injury, but not in time to the landfill.


9、Give time, let bygones be bygones, let beginnings begin.

10、The best way to prolong the day is to steal hours from the night.

11、Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.消磨于恶习或愚行的'时间是加倍的损失

12、       m.deland,american writer 一旦你觉得自己太老了,赶快做吧。美国作家迪兰.m.

13、Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again.

14、The hourglass of time deposits the past that cannot be escaped, and the hands of memory always pick up those beautiful sadness.

15、As long as you keep up with the pace of time, the God of luck will always follow you.

16、It is the tooth less animal that arrives first at the base of the fruit tree, to eat his fill before others arrive.8.无牙的.动物会先到果树下,趁其他动物未抵达前先吃。

17、The time of life is short; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long. (William Shakespeare, British dramatist )

18、       We always have time enough ,if we will but use it aright. (Johan Wolfgang von Goethe ,German poet )

19、Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein. – Jackson Brown Jr.


20、will hand hat standing on a corner, please passers-by time to burn them into the inside.

21、The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them; a man may live long, yet get little from life.


23、The golden age is before us, not behind us. (Mark Twain, American writer)8.黄金时代在我们面前而不在我们背后。( 美国作家马克·吐温)

24、       Do you love life ? Then do not squander time ; for that39;s the stuff5 life is made of .(Benjamin Franklin ,American president )

25、       t.w.robertson,british dramatist 时间是一只永远飞翔的鸟。

26、       walt kelly.british picture story book painter 时间可以冲淡巨大的悲伤。

27、They that/who live longest must die at last.

28、Make hay orroe kiss me, sh Is last words

29、Time, let the deep things more and more deep, let light things more and more shallow.

30、As every thread of gold is valuable, so every moment of time. 一寸光阴一寸金。

31、Nothing can be done without time just as no one can live without air.

32、Things are already no longer, who can more eternal than time. But dear, without you, there would be no anybody.

33、Lost wealth can be replaced by industry,lost know I edge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone for ever.

34、Time is like the water sucked in sponge: if you squeeze, you can always get some.

35、Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying: And this same flower that smiles to-day, To-morrow will be dying. --- Robert Herrick

36、Time works wonders. (时间可以创造奇迹或时间的效力不可思议)


38、       euripides ancient creek playwright 今天是今天,明天我们将永远消失。


39、Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time of which you have any control: now. – Denis Waitley

40、The morning is wiser than the evening.

41、Love can forget time, time can also forget love.

42、Do you love life? Then do not squander time; for that’s the stuff life is made up of. ---Benjamin Franklin, American president

43、We are always good scar forget pain, repeated the same mistake, just at different times, different locations.

44、       迪斯雷里,英国政治家。b.

45、       The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness basely,it would be too long . (William Shakespeare ,British dramatist )

46、You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss, A sigh is just a sigh; The fundamental things apply, As time goes by --- Herman Hupfeld你一定要记住这点,一个亲吻仍然是一个亲吻,一个叹息就是一个叹息。时光流转,这是万物不变的基本法则。---赫尔曼

47、Mood is like caterpillars become butterflies, I want to see, time is up, to take off.


49、Meet you in a blooming time, in my best years, in my best posture.

50、paul meyer, french linguist 经验证明,大部分时间都是被一分钟一分钟地而不是一小时一小时地浪费掉的。一只底部有个小洞的桶和一只故意踢翻的桶同样会流空。

51、       john fletcher,british dramalist 不哭,不叹息,不呻吟;悲伤唤 回到过去的时光。

52、The golden age is before us, not behind us. (Mark Twain, American writer )

53、       george william crutis,american witer 年龄只是一个感觉问题,而不是岁月。

54、The rest of my original brave time by time, is you give me with no hope of fear.

55、What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it我今天做的事情很重要, 因为我为它付了一天的代价。

56、The most difficult thing about love is not knowing when time will bring about any change.

57、The past longitudinal don't smoke, but time will shrink when the event, become episodes in distress situation.


58、No hand can make the clock strike for me the hours that are passed --- Byron光阴如流水,一去不复返。---拜伦

59、He who does not rise early never does a good day’s work.

60、Instead of spending time making peace with friends, apologize directly to them.

61、Spending time thinking is the most time-saving thing.

62、Time is like a net. Where you scatter it, your harvest is there.

63、He who works before dawn will soon be his own master.

64、Time is aversatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds, runs out and will tell.

65、Time doesn't only make you find out more about people, it makes you find out more about who you are.


67、Write it on your heart that every day is the best of the year.4.铭记在心,每一天都是一年中最好的日子。

68、Time will slowly precipitation, and some people will be in your heart gradually blurred. Learn to let go, you need to own happiness.

69、Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle; old age a regret.4.青年鲁莽犯错,中年奋斗不止,老年后悔无穷。

70、experience proves that most time is wasted, not in hours, but in minutes. a bucket with a small hole in the bottom gets just as empty as a bucket that is deliberately kicked over.

71、You don't like me, it's a long time I don't like yourself.

72、Get into the habit of reading, is equal to the lonely time to exchange for the reserves of gold.

73、Do not have consumers to make the Love, alas, must face up to rush away time.

74、       肯尼迪美国政治家.e.

75、The secret of cherishing time: Say less empty words and do more work.

76、I'd like to stand on the street corner with my hat in hand and ask passers-by to throw their endless time in it.
